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Hispanic Heritage Month: An Exploration of Identity and Celebration of Culture

A Zoom call with 13 visible participants
The 窪蹋勛圖厙 of 窪蹋勛圖厙s celebration of kicked off in earnest with a virtual town hall on Wednesday titled What Does it Mean to be Hispanic/Latina/e/o/x in the United States?

The focus of the discussion centered around the diversity within the Hispanic/Latinx community in the U.S.a population of more than 60 million people representing many different ethnicities, races and identities. The panelists discussed their experiences of often being boxed in by racial labels and stereotypes, and they also shared different aspects of what makes their culture so unique.

In opening remarks, Chancellor Patrick Gallagher said that growing up in Albuquerque, New Mexico, allowed him to witness the incredible diversity of the Latinx community firsthand.

For me, this is a celebration worth having, he said. Its about celebrating the vibrancy and richness of this incredibly broad umbrella of cultures, languages and ethnicities that represent this community.

Moderated by Gina Garcia, associate professor in the , and Marialexia Zaragoza, a School of Education doctoral student, the panelists represented diverse backgrounds within the Hispanic and Latinx community:

  • Antonio Ponce-Meza, an undergraduate student in Pitts
  • Briana Rodriguez, a doctoral student in Pitts School of Education
  • Shenay Jeffrey, assistant director of PittServes in Student Affairs
  • Kenya Dworkin, associate professor, in Carnegie Mellon 窪蹋勛圖厙s Department of Modern Languages, Hispanic Studies
  • Bianca DeJesus from Carnegie Mellons Center for Student Diversity & Inclusion
  • Cathy Baz獺n-Arias, senior engineer at consulting firm DiGioia Gray
  • Iv獺n Cao-Berg, research software specialist at the 窪蹋勛圖厙 Supercomputing Center
  • Samyd S. Bustos, a postdoctoral research fellow at Pitt/UPMC

, or read highlights below.

Sharing artifacts

Whats the difference between Hispanic and Latina/e/o/x?

Its important to acknowledge different identities within our communities. Heres a quick breakdown of definitions:

  • Hispanic: Someone who descends from Spanish-speaking country.
  • Latina/o/e/x: Someone who is native or descends from Latin American country.
  • Afro-Latina/o: Someone who is native or descends from a Latin American country with African roots.
  • Significance of the x: the letter serves as a gender-neutral term.
  • What is Latine?: Just like Latinx, Latine serves as a gender-neutral term. The e helps with the flow of Spanish language.

Each member of the panel shared an artifact that represents their racial/ethnic identity. Many of the panelists chose to share artifacts representing art, poetry, food and song.

Third-year student Antonio Ponce-Meza, who identifies as a first-generation Mexican-American, showed one of the many frozen tamales he brings to Pitt each semester from his mothers kitchen in Texas. I eat them when I feel down or want to reconnect, he said. Its always nice to have cooking from home.

Shenay Jeffrey, assistant director of PittServes in , shared a folk song from her native country of Guyana. The song is nostalgic to me, she said. It brings warm and fuzzy memories of playing football and cricket and reminds me of the food we share.

Ivan Cao-Berg, a research software specialist at the 窪蹋勛圖厙 Supercomputing Center, chose a poem by Juan Antonio Corretjertitled Boricua en la Luna, to symbolize his pride of being influenced by his Argentinian and Puerto Rican backgrounds.

The Hispanic Heritage Month committee is also asking all to submit their own artifacts throughout the month for an

Grappling with identity

The panelists also answered a series of questions about how they grapple with their Latinx identities while living in the United States. Their remarks made clear that, depending on when and where members of the Latinx community are asked to identify themselves, the answer may be different.

In her opening remarks, Belkys Torres, executive director of global engagement at the , spoke about there not being a singular people of Latinos in the U.S. and the importance of acknowledging the fluidity of their identities. We are not a monolith it means embracing the elastic nature of our processes for identification. Its situationally specific, she said. She used herself as an example: Born to Cuban immigrants and raised in Miami, Florida, she self-identifies as Cuban when shes in her hometown, because shes surrounded by people who understand what that label means. But, when shes in 窪蹋勛圖厙, she self-identifies as Latina.

Here (in 窪蹋勛圖厙), I feel the need to belong to a collective community of people who have a shared experience, which is that of feeling on the margins of the majority of the population, or seen as a minority, Torres said.

Jeffrey shared her experience of arriving to the United States at age 17 and finding it hard to navigate where she belongsnot knowing if she should check the proverbial box of being Latinx or Black. The latter, she said, often made assimilating much easier.

Garcia said the notion that people in the Latinx community feel that they have to assimilate comes from larger systems such as settler colonialism and white supremacy. Today, were resisting, said Garcia. Were pushing back. We no longer have to fit into these categories. Were loud, were proud and were not going away.

Bustos, a post-doctoral researcher in plastic surgery at the , was born in Barranquilla, Colombia, to a family of Lebanese immigrants. To me, the main aspects of being Latinx are the feeling of unity but also acknowledging our big umbrella of cultures and identities, he said. Not only do we share a geographic region, but we have a similar foundation.

窪蹋勛圖厙 the event, Clyde Pickett, Pitts vice chancellor for diversity and inclusion, said that coming together to hear these stories is criticaland so is recognizing the contributions of the Latinx community at Pitt and in the region.

Sharing these stories and narratives are critical to how we experience and examine identity and build community, said Pickett. Im excited about the work ahead, as we recognize and celebrate the cultures and histories of our Latinx communities.

Submit Your Own Artifact

Throughout the month, all members of the regional community are invited to submit artifacts relevant to aspects of their Hispanic/Latina/o/e/x racial, ethnic and cultural identity for an online showcase. Artifacts can include poems, songs, dance, recipes, art, photographs, narratives, souvenirs and more.

Submitted artifacts will be displayed in an online gallery and on 窪蹋勛圖厙 social media channels throughout Hispanic Heritage Month.