
The Prevention at Pitt team at the 窪蹋勛圖厙 Action Against Rape Teal Ball
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Prevention at Pitt was recognized as a community champion against sexual violence

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A crowd of supporters joined Carrie Benson and the Prevention at Pitt team as they received the 2024 Community Champion Award from 窪蹋勛圖厙 Action Against Rape (PAAR).

I think having an acknowledgement from PAAR feels different than acknowledgement from just about any other entity, said Benson (EDUC 12G), director of sexual violence prevention and education in Pitts Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. For me, personally, PAAR is the gold standard. They do incredible work to support survivors.

For an organization who does what they do so well, whos so survivor-centered, to say: Hey, we see you and we think youre doing a great job its really validating and its incredibly meaningful, she said.

Each year, PAAR hosts the Teal Ball to honor and celebrate the strength of survivors of sexual violence while recognizing those who help eradicate sexual violence in the 窪蹋勛圖厙 community. This years ceremony, the 52nd, was held at the Wyndham Grand Hotel in downtown.

The 窪蹋勛圖厙 team was represented at the Teal Ball by Benson, Dev Hayostek (SOC WK 23G), Angie Jack, Willa Campbell (SPH 23G) and Chad Jurica, along with graduate students Leigh Marques and Kelisa Hysenbegasi and undergraduate students from Pitts Sexual Assault Facilitation and Education team.

The Community Champion Award honors an organization that identifies a community need, takes decisive and effective action to fulfill that need and inspires others in the process. Prevention at Pitts honor comes after a period of steady and significant growth, fueled in part by a $500,000 Pitt Seed Grant in 2023 that was awarded following several new initiatives, including the Circle Up program, launched in 2022.

We have a long road ahead, because theres a lot of work that has to go into shifting the culture and attitude.

Willa Campbell

In 2020, the 窪蹋勛圖厙s sexual assault prevention team included just one full-time staffer and a group of volunteer student peer-educators, Benson said.

There was some really great work being done on campus at the time by the 窪蹋勛圖厙 Counseling Center and the Student Health Center, she said. But a real push began following the 2019 campus climate survey, when we realized that too many of our students were experiencing intimate-partner violence. Chancellor Patrick Gallagher really saw a need to invest resources in the prevention of sexual misconduct not just in the response to it. Since then, weve been very fortunate that weve been allowed to grow.

In addition to Benson, two full-time staff educators, Campbell and Hayostek, are now dedicated to sexual assault prevention and education. The office also has two associated faculty members conducting research, three graduate students facilitating the Circle Up program, four undergraduate prevention assistants and 30 undergraduate students trained in peer education. Prevention at Pitt also has an advisory council of undergraduate and graduate students who provide advice and feedback.

The office also partners with 窪蹋勛圖厙 Action Against Rape, the Womens Center and Shelter of Greater 窪蹋勛圖厙 and other community nonprofits focused on sexual assault prevention and response.

PAAR and Pitt have had a connection for far longer than Ive been here, Benson said. They have always been willing to support our students, staff and faculty. Whats really changed in the last few years is that they have regular office hours on campus, in the OEDI office. That was a big step in our relationship. Not only does it provide a service to our students it makes it easy to connect survivors to advocates from PAAR but it also allows us to have a regular check-in every single Wednesday. Weve forged a community together.

Campbell, who worked as a PAAR advocate before pursuing her masters degree in public health at Pitt, says the organizations resources and expertise go beyond what the 窪蹋勛圖厙 can offer, especially when survivors of sexual assault interact with the criminal or civil legal system.

They also provide medical advocacy, the prevention educator said. They can be in a hospital room with a survivor when theyre getting medical care. They can also connect people with mental health counseling. They are the experts and they really complement what we can do on campus.

Although the recognition is gratifying, Benson and Campbell say their work is far from over.

We have a long road ahead, because theres a lot of work that has to go into shifting the culture and attitude that will really be what reduces and helps to end sexual violence, Campbell says. Were very excited by the honor, and it gives us some wind in our sails, so to speak, to push us forward.

For more information about Prevention at Pitt, visit pitt.ly/prevention.

Jason Togyer, photography courtesy of Carrie Benson