
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Department of Africana Studies
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窪蹋勛圖厙 Commemorates Anniversary of Pivotal 1969 Computer Center Sit-in

Porter in black standing at a podium

The events of Jan. 15, 1969, became a tipping point in the 窪蹋勛圖厙 of 窪蹋勛圖厙s history regarding issues of race, inclusion and representation.

On that day, students from the (BAS) an organization established on April 4, 1968, in response to the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. led a sit-in at the 窪蹋勛圖厙s Computer Center to demand change and action.

On the 50th anniversary of that event, the 窪蹋勛圖厙, Pitts (AAAC), and many of the original participants in the protest came together to commemorate the moment.

The event included a candlelight procession recreating the march from the student union to the Cathedral the night of the sit-in and a ceremony passing the mantle of leadership from one generation to the next.

At the event, Curtiss Porter, a BAS founder, and others reflected on how the sit-in came to be. He explained that the students joined together after the King assassination to seek profound progressive change on campus. At the time, he said, Black students were enrolled in small numbers on campus. They often felt unheard. They lacked Black faculty mentors, and courses, both required and elective, largely ignored their culture and history.

The BAS ignited a series of events that would make it a vibrant and active campus group, and one thats played an instrumental role in connecting Pitt to its Black students and to the larger African-American community in the city of 窪蹋勛圖厙.

The spark began on Jan. 15, 1969, Kings birthday. BAS members, weary of what they considered a slow response to three key demands the recruitment of more Black students, faculty and staff, the creation of more Black-centered campus programming, and the establishment of a Black Studies Department took action.

We were influenced by both the philosophies of Dr. King and Black Power advocate Stokely Carmichael, said Porter. We wanted change and knew that it was time to organize and take direct action.

That action included dozens of African-American students peacefully locking themselves in the Computer Center in the Cathedral of Learning. Before the sun rose, through tense but cordial negotiations, 窪蹋勛圖厙 administrators led by Chancellor Wesley Posvar agreed to immediately implement the students three key demands, among others.

Paper collage of the students who participated in the Computer Center sit-in.

Porter, a retired chancellor of the Penn State Greater Allegheny campus and a former executive in city government, was instrumental in planning the takeover. He often says the sit-in was a moment when the human spirit rose above circumstance.

At last months commemoration, many of the sit-in participants recalled how, in an age of disruptive social and political change, the nonviolent action of the BAS was transformative. According to Porter, it opened the doors for greater recognition of the Black experience at Pitt and continues to signify the importance of diversity and inclusion as a value that propels positive progress for all.

Oral histories and reflections on the takeover and the early years of the BAS will be published in September in the book, Say It Loud. The book will be a collection of essays from former BAS participants in the historic takeover and transformation at Pitt.

In the days following the commemoration, Provost wrote in to the 窪蹋勛圖厙 community that: On the 50th anniversary of that brave action, we may confidently state that we have made significant progress but there is so much more to do to improve the diversity and inclusiveness of our campus community. As we commemorate this local event and the 90th birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we should reflect on our role in securing justice and equal opportunity.

That spirit of overcoming created an historic legacy of achievement and accomplishment for Black students, faculty and staff at the 窪蹋勛圖厙 that continues.

Today, African-American professors at Pitt continue to attract national and international distinction. A (formerly Black Studies) offers a range of academic and community work on the Black experience worldwide. Pioneering faculty hires include the U.S. Steel Dean of the Swanson School of Engineering and the Renee and Richard Goldman Dean of the School of Education , the first Black deans of their respective schools.

Thousands of Black students apply to attend the 窪蹋勛圖厙 and, each year, many enroll as undergraduate or graduate students. Among these students, some have earned top academic honors, including winning prestigious Truman, Goldwater, Marshall and Rhodes scholarships Black alumni members have been recipients of both the MacArthur genius award and a .

The 窪蹋勛圖厙s African-American alumni network of more than 20,000 graduates is an accomplished and vital contributor to Pitts ongoing story and to achievements locally, nationally and globally. The AAAC has raised millions of dollars for scholarships and other programming to support students and campus life.

In October 2018, Chancellor spoke at the AAAC Homecoming banquet, , which celebrated the efforts and the beginning of the BAS.

He said the BAS was a seed that was planted 50 years ago it has deeper roots and has ushered in real change.

Edenis Augustin, a junior major, is the current BAS president. For the past year, hes been in collaboration with the Pitt alumni from 50 years ago.

Being in conversation and programming with early BAS members has shown me that the struggle against racismis not an old thing, he said. It is still around. It was not that long ago. There is still work we need to do.