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Announcements and Updates

Funding from Pfizer

Pfizer’s Centers for Therapeutic Innovation are searching for new research programs within their strategic emerging scientific areas. These are:

Pfizer is requesting first round 2-3 page non-confidential proposals for funding consideration. Successful non-confidential proposals will be invited to participate in a full proposal process co-developed with Pfizer scientists. Funding is based on the project needs and is milestone based. Pfizer has provided an overview of their strategic direction and additional information on the funding opportunity.

The application is rolling. First round proposals are due to Martha Jurczak at for Department of Medicine submissions and Amy Phillips at for all other submissions by Sept. 8. 

These proposals will be routed to the Innovation Institute for review. Pfizer is willing to speak with investigators prior to proposal submission. Please feel free to contact Martha or Amy to set up a meeting.